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Repeated sprained ankles

“I work landscaping and twisted my ankles in holes all the time. Then I work as a waitress, too, and by the end of my shift, my ankles were killing me. Then I saw Karin. I went twice, about a week apart, and then came back in six weeks to check how things were going. Great! My ankles have been better ever since and I even stopped twisting them!"

Hammer toes relieved

“I’m 80 years old, and after surgery in my groin, my right toes curled right up.  The doctors said it was just going to be that way, they couldn’t do anything and I would have to live like that, unless I wanted surgery to cut my foot.  After 8 Bowen sessions, I could see my toenails again, cut them, and wear regular shoes for the first time since my surgery."
Animal brown horse

Pull-back injury

"I sent my mare to a trainer, and told him not to tie her up.  Sadly, he tied her anyway, and she pulled the whole tie down out of a wall.  We brought her home and she was miserable and difficult.  After Karin work on her sore back and neck in 2 sessions of Emmett, she was back to her old self.  then Karin released her TMJ, and she totally relaxed.  So glad to have my wonderful horse back!"
Horse in Stable

Horse Scar

" My horse came to me with a split in her pectoral muscle.  It had a huge indentation, that you could sink your fingers into, 3 inches. For 16 years, nobody thought it could be changed.  In one MSTR session, the outer part of the muscle reduced by 60 percent, and the indentation was half as deep.  My mare really seemed to like having the scar tissue worked on."

40-year-old injury

“When I was in high school, my right leg got pulled out of its socket.  This was 40 years ago, and the doctors did nothing except put my leg back in place, so it ended up turning sideways, and it grew crookedly.  I met Karin and she said might be able to help with the extreme pain I had.  I also design software, and spend a lot of time on my computer.  My neck was stiff and I couldn’t turn my head to look when I was driving.  Now I can turn my head in both directions and my leg is a lot better, with hardly any pain."

Postural exercises relieve jumping legs and sore backs

“My husband and I live far out in the country, on a farm, and far from doctors and chiropractors.  I described my husband’s jumpy legs and how no doctor had been able to help.  I explained how my husband’s favorite chair is depressed more on one side than the other side, and she suggested static back.  We both started doing static back.  All our farm chores are less painful, and my husband’s jumpy legs are 90% better after just 4 days.  I have started doing static wall (once a day and static back once a day). For the longest time I’ve had a knot in my right bun (which likely comes from my shoulder/mouse hand). When I drive the truck for any distance, a pain radiates down from my right bun to my knee and sometimes all the way to my ankle. I started static wall three days ago and the bun pain as lessened. We are both excited about doing more Postural Alignment exercises!"
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Sore Aging Dog

"A friend showed me how she used a cold laser on her aging dog, but I wasn't sure I was doing it right.  So I had a session with Karin, and she used the cold laser on inflammation and on acupoints.  My dog was so much better!" 
Attractive Mature Woman

Back surgery scar

“I had back surgery to repair a disc.  Afterwards, I was always conscious of the scar, which felt uncomfortable, and I couldn't quite flex my leg, at my hip joint, as much as I used to.  After one session of MSTR I had 10 degrees more flexibility.  The scar faded, and it didn't bother me."
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Copyright © 2024, Karin Bergener

Karin Bergener, MS Ed


Northeast Ohio

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